Dainik Prarthana

Dainik Prarthana in Video

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About Swami Lakshmandasji Avdhoot

India has the rare distinction of almighty God deciding time and again to take birth on its sacred soil. As an incarnation he took birth in the form of Lords Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda and so on. In the same chain of events descended Swami Lakshmandas ji Avdhoot, one of the Greatest Saints of 20th century India, He lived in the heavenly abode of Himalaya on the bank of river Ganges in the holy city of Rishikesh and Gangotri intermittently.


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Letter to Bhakts

Gurudev Blessings to all his disciples and Bhakts.

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Spiritual Experience

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